Tell me if you have ever felt like:

  • Tongue-Tied when writing sales emails...
  • You're throwing spaghetti at a wall and jus hoping that the emails connect to your audience...
  • Not even sure if you have the right launch strategy..
  • Questioning the right amount of emails to send?
  • Scared to ask for the sale?

I hear you, so many of my clients say they don't want to be, "too pushy" or "annoying"

...and they just want a strategy that gets people to click, sign up and engage with them.

If you wanna know exactly what to write in your launch emails, this step-by-step guide to makes writing your launch emails feel as easy as pouring that daily cupppa jo!!

In the Launch Email Toolkit you will have the exact guidance on:

  • Pre-launch emails for masterclasses and webinars
  • Post Masterclass Email Sequence
  • Cart Open Launch Sequence for your offer

It's time to start writing emails that get a "YES," and finally have a system that you can implement on repeat, over and over again.

Total Value $99